What is vulcanization & why is it important for tire repair? — Nuoka Skip to content
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Was ist Vulkanisation und warum ist sie wichtig für die Reifenreparatur? - Nuoka

What is vulcanization and why is it important for tire repair?

Vulcanization is a chemical process used in the manufacture of rubber or rubber products to improve the elastic properties of the material. This process was developed by Charles Goodyear in the 19th century. During vulcanization, rubber molecules react with each other and are cross-linked by sulfur compounds, which leads to a permanent change in the material properties. Vulcanization ensures that...

  1. Crosslinking molecules: During vulcanization, sulfur compounds, usually in the form of sulfur or sulfur crosslinkers, are linked to the rubber molecules. This cross-linking occurs through a chemical reaction between the sulfur atoms and certain functional groups in the rubber.

  2. Improves elasticity: By networking the rubber molecules, the material becomes more elastic and more resistant to deformation and wear. This results in increased tensile strength, tear resistance and durability of the rubber.

  3. Increases temperature resistance: Vulcanized rubber is also more resistant to high temperatures. It retains its elasticity and strength over a wider temperature range, making it suitable for many applications where heat is a factor.

  4. the stickiness is reduced: Unvulcanized rubber is sticky and tends to deform at room temperature. Vulcanization significantly reduces the stickiness of the material, making it more manageable.

  5. Water absorption is reduced: Vulcanized rubber absorbs less water than non-vulcanized rubber. This makes it more water resistant and less prone to rot.

  6. Improved chemical resistance: Vulcanized rubber is more resistant to chemical attack and can be used in a variety of environments where non-vulcanized rubber would chemically degrade.

Vulcanization is a crucial step in the production of tires and many other rubber and rubber products. At the same time, it is also the crucial process in repairing and repairing tire damage. This ensures that the inserted repair body permanently bonds to the tire. Depending on the repair material or repair body, the way in which this is done may vary. Only if all components are used according to the manufacturer's specifications can it be ensured that vulcanization has taken place successfully and that the repair body is permanently connected to the tire. In the CoPrA tire repair system, all three components are chemically coordinated to achieve an optimal result when repairing tires. The CoPrA vulcanizing solution permanently bonds the CoPrA tire repair bodies to the tire.

Next article Which tire damages can be repaired?

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